Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tinie Tempah ft. Jess Glynne - Not Letting Go New Music Hit Prediction by Utopia

Its amazing the music you can find on Youtube and today we found this awesome song titled "Not Letting Go"....

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tunde New Single Jesu Feran Mi

TUNDE Brand new single Jesu Feran Mi #JesuFeranMi  Available on iTunes 26th June 2015....

Saturday, June 20, 2015

12 Tips for a loving happy relationship

12 Tips for a loving happy relationship  By Utopia...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Prince Harry Arrives in Australia Today

\ We warmly welcome Prince Harry to Australia today as he is here for a month with the Australian Defense force. His grand ma the Queen had this to say: "I am delighted that the long and enduring association between the Australian and British Armies will be joined by the military secondment of my grandson, Prince Harry," she said. "In 2015, when together we commemorate the many sacrifices of our countrymen at Gallipoli a century ago, it is fitting that we can also reflect on the strength and persistence today of those common values and our professional military ties." Pic Credit Utopia on Facebook Niki...

Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Child Has Autism - A Continuing True Story - Part 1

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) The growing number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an issue of concern both in Australia and overseas. ASD is a developmental disorder that emerges in early childhood characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior and interest...

Sia - Big Girls Cry - New Music Video

SIA - 1000 forms of fear album Sia - Big Girls Cry - New Music Video from the album 1000 forms of fear....

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dolapo - My Very Best

Dolapo "My Very Best" Introducing great friend of mine named Dolapo who is just your average guy who just so happens to have an amazing vocal range and a talent for song writin...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tunde Akinsanmi Performs Live At Monthly Sunday Service Hilton Hotel Abuja

Tunde - Tunde Akinsanmi performing at monthly thanks giving service Transcorp Hilton. "Every Sunday church is always packed, but today it was packed like a tin of sardines." #Tunde This is what Tunde told us at Utopia Magazine just a short time after his featuring performance at the monthly thanks giving service at The Congress Hall, Transcorp Hilton Abuja on Sunday December 7 201...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Thinking About Adding Disklike Button

  Speaking at a Q&A session in California we hear from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg speaking about possibly adding a "Dislike button"feature to the giant social networking site Facebook. "We are thinking about it The Like button is very valuable because its a way to quickly express a positive emotion or sentiment when some one puts them selves out there and shares something. There are more sentiments that people want to express than just positivity or if they like something. A lot of times people share things on Facebook that are sad moments in their lives or are tough cultural or social things and often people tell us that they don't feel comfortable pressing like because like isn't the appropriate sentiment when some...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dancing Traffic Light Makes Pedestrian Crossings Fun And Safer

There comes a time where every one has to cross the street at some point. We all use pedestrian crossings. We hit the buzzer usually a few times because we are usually in a rush to get some where then play the waiting game waiting till the little red man turns green so we can safely cross the road. What if we had something to entertain us while we wait?...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tunde performing Live This Sunday December 7 2014

Tunde Akinsanmi Live December 7 2014 Tunde will be featuring this Sunday December 7th 2014 at the monthly thanks giving service....

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Doctor Perfects Immunization Shots Makes Baby Laugh

This is the kind of doctor ever child needs to go see if they are sick or need their immunization shots. The Doctor uses the art of laughter and distraction to make the baby feel comfortable and happy before the needle jab...

Stray Dog Follows Adventure Racing World Championship Team Gets A New Family

Stray Dog Follows Swedish Adventure Racing World Championship Team Gets A New Family  Meet Arthur the stray dog who followed an extreme sports team during a grueling 430-mile race through the Amazon rainforest and refused to leave their side until the finish...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Delta Goodrem Return to Neighbours - Look Out Ramsey Street I'm Back

  Delta Goodrem on Instagram Just saw this post of the Neighbours cast on Delta Goodrem's Instagram. She says "Look out Ramsey Street I'm Back." Also We see her latest tweet. 😉✌️😘 we sayin hey... 👋 #greatdayonset #ninareturns michael_brennan x — Delta Goodrem (@DeltaGoodrem) November 25, 201...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Trolling Celebrities Sending Them Mean Tweets

What is this trolling celebrities sending them nasty mean tweets all about? This is the 8th edition of Mean Tweets featuring Gwyneth Paltrow, Lena Dunham, Gerard Butler, Ty Burrell, Bob Newhart, Britney Spears, Geena Davis, Chris Pratt, Chloe Grace Moretz, Scott Foley, Michael Chiklis, Ted Danson, John Stamos, Lisa Kudrow and Adam Sandler. #MeanTweets watch this and then go see the rest on youtube here>>...

Hyper Sexualized - The Corruption Of Children - Awareness for Everyone!

The following article is written because firstly I am a women, a mum, was a teen, was a girl child and I am now an aunty to an 11 month girl. We came across the following video on Youtube "Hyper sexualized Part 1 The corruption of children"...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Beyoncé - 7/11 Video Review Plus Pictures Dancing In Undies

Beyonce - 7/11 Video #1 Beyoncé - 7/11 Video Review Welcome to the latest Beyonce video titled "7/11". We see Beyonce having a ball doing this video and it totally seems like we are seing her playful nature at large. The sound production is fantastic being a real club banger to dance to....

Friday, November 21, 2014

Taylor Swift Music Video - Shake It Off Review

Taylor Swift music video - Shake it off In this video we see Taylor stepping out side the normal activities and doing her own thing. The dancers really made the video come to life....

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